%% Amiga News                                                          %%

Announcement from NewTek

NewTek Inc.
May 5, 1994

Dear Friend of the Toaster,

I'm sure you're aware of Commodore's recent announcement of their
liquidation, as it is obviously an issue of concern to everyone connected
with the Video Toaster.  Rumors have been rampant for weeks about what 
would happen, but getting the facts has been a little more difficult.

We want you to know that we weren't caught by surprise.  Events over the
past nine months made it very clear that something would have to change 
and that Commodore's liquidation was a possibility.  It didn't take a 
mind reader to see Commodore's troubles.

Liquidation certainly wasn't the only possibility, however.  Even as late
as last week we were aware that other options were being pursued.  While 
no one could know exactly what would happen, or when, we did know that 
something would happen and made plans for that eventually.  For reasons 
that we hope you will understand, we cannot talk about all of these 
things at the moment. What we can say unequivically is that we are 
committed to the Video Toaster and our customers.  We are taking the 
following steps in support of this goal:

1)  Development on the Flyer is on schedule for shipment of demo units to
    dealers in July and shipment to end users early fall.  Of course, the
    Flyer provides capabilities highly sought after by the existing 
    Toaster user base.

2)  We are monitoring product availability in the channel and will provide
    you with all the information we can gather.  At this point, it appears
    that there are Amiga 4000's availabile worldwide to meet demand for 
    the next several months.

3)  We will continue to market the Video Toaster and Video Toaster Flyer 
    as always.

4)  We are investigating an Amiga refurbishment program.

5)  We are continuing our ongoing Toaster development program.

We realize that there are still a number of questions left unanswered,
but know that as answers become available, we will pass the information on
to you.  A great deal of exciting development continues in Topeka and I
believe that you will be happy with the news coming from here as the year


Tim Jenison


WASHINGTON, D.C., MAY 16, 1994 - Jeffery S. Porter, former director of
advanced technology for Commodore International Limited, has joined Scala,
Inc., the leader in computer-based television information systems, as vice
president of engineering.  In this position, Porter will head all
world-wide research and development activities with offices in Exton, PA,
and Oslo, Norway.

Scala's founder and President Jon Bohmer said, "Jeff has been the key
development person for the Amiga since 1986, and brings to Scala a proven
track record of product management and technical leadership.  His presence
at Scala will help us sustain our increasingly rapid growth."

Porter, employed by Commodore in various capacities since 1984, has been
employed by Bell Laboratories, AT&T Consumer Products and the Eastman
Kodak Company.  He holds a Masters of Science degree in Electrical
Engineering from the Unviersity of Illinois and a Bachelor of Science
degree in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University.

He is co-author of a book entitled "MultiMedia Systems: The Convergence of
Computers, Communications and Consumer Products" published by the ACM.
"I've been a fan of Scala from the beginning," said Porter.  "Scala's ease
of authoring and low-cost playback make it a natural for interactive
television.  The next step is to support a cross platform architecture for
Scala that includes PC compatibles and set top boxes.  Scala's technology
is years ahead of Mac and PC solutions, due to the "TV-centric" heritage
of the Amiga.  It's compact and efficient and can be embedded in other
systems such as the General Instrument satellite television receivers
being developed for PRIMESTAR (R)."

Scala, founded in 1987 in Norway and incorporated in the U.S. in 1992,
develops and markets computer-based television information solutions.
Available in ten languages, Scala's multimedia tools are used by 45,000
users in more than 40 countries.

Scala is a registered tradkmark of Scala, Inc.  
PRIMESTAR is a registered trakemark of PRIMESTAR PARTNERS LP.


Richard Houstoun        Linda Barker
Scala, Inc.             L.R. Barker & Co.
(703) 713-0900          (303) 628-5442


Soft-Logik Continues Support of the Amiga

11131F South Towne Square, St. Louis, MO  63123 USA

phone: 1-800-829-8608  (314-894-8608, fax: 314-894-3280)

Soft-Logik Publishing sells desktop publishing and graphic applications
for Amiga computers. Our current product lineup includes PageStream 2.2,
a full-featured desktop publishing program; Art Expression 1.0, a
drawing program; and, TypeSmith 2.0, a font editing and conversion

Soft-Logik plans to release PageStream 3.0 in the near future.
Commodore's bankruptcy will not have an effect on our Amiga development.
We will continue to develop PageStream, and while we hope in the future
that it will be available for other platforms, we are too busy with our
Amiga products to consider that now. Remember that just because Commodore
is out of business does not mean that your Amiga will stop working. We
hope to release more Amiga products in the future.

Michael Loader
Product Development
Soft-Logik Publishing



For technical support, email tech@slpc.com

For press information, contact Ellen Kazmaier at 314-894-8608.


Dear Amiga Developers,
Concerning the recent announcements by Commodore, I wanted to let you know
that SAS Institute, Inc. intends to continue selling and providing
technical support for the SAS/C Development System with C++ as long as
there is a viable market.  However, due to the uncertainty of the market,
the Institute's management has decided to suspend new
development on the Amiga-specific parts of the product.  This policy will
remain in effect until changes in the market warrant
Development will continue on those portions of the product that are used
on other platforms, including the code generator, the global and
peephole optimizers, the C++ translator, and the debugger.  If we see a
viable Amiga market in the future, we will be in a good position to
produce a new release for it with a minimum of lost time.
Also in response to the Commodore announcements and many user
suggestions, SAS Institute Inc. announces the following new prices for the
SAS/C Development System with C++, effective immediately:
                Version 6.50...................$199.00
                Upgrade from Version 6...........59.00
                Upgrade from Version 5...........99.50
                Upgrade from Version 4...........99.50
                Academic discount................99.50
                Manx trade-in offer..............99.50
These prices are in US dollars and do not include shipping charges.
Customers outside the US, please contact your local SAS Institute office
or your nearest Amiga distributor for prices in your area. We do not plan
to send a mailing to registered users, so please
take the initiative to contact SAS Institute if you would like
to take advantage of the new upgrade price.
If you have comments or suggestions about our development policy, please
send email to "ts4sasca@unx.sas.com" or write to
      Amiga C Marketing
      SAS Institute Inc.
      SAS Campus Drive
      Cary, NC 27513
Please do NOT send email to me, Jim Cooper, Steve Krueger, Khristi
Tomlinson, Diane Gomez, or Gerlinde Schuster with suggestions for future
development plans or product offerings.  We will just ask you to go
through one of the above channels.
On a personal note, I'd like to add that I plan on keeping my Amiga and
supporting the Amiga community in any way possible.  I've been an Amiga
developer since March of 1986, and I'd hate to see it go.  Look for a new
release of parnet soon 8^)
Doug Walker
Manager, Amiga Product Development
SAS Institute Inc.


MacroSystem GmbH of Germany Announcement
Jorg Sprave, president of MacroSystem GmbH, located in Witten, Germany,
is pleased to announce the appointment of NoahJi's as the exclusive
distributor of MacroSystem product in the United States.

Technical support, repair, and service will be handled by NoahJi's.
Software updates for the V-Lab and the Retina will also be made available
at a modest charge for current owners of these products.

NoahJi's is the Amiga board division of Micro Reps, Inc. a 10-year-old
distribution company. Eric Kloor, president of NoahJi's, is excited to
begin distribution of the remarkable line of product manufactured by
MacroSystem GmbH.

The Retina Z3, with updated hardware features and astonishingly fast
software, will soon be impressing the US market. In the current issue of
The Amiga Magazine, Germany's largest, 10 different graphics boards were
reviewed. The Z2 Retina was called "nearly legendary, " and in
price/performance comparisons towered above the others. The only more
impressive board in the tests was the new Retina Z3. Both products
received glowing and strong recommendations.

The Toccata 16 bit I/O board, which has been available in Germany for over
6 months, will now be available for the US market. The V-Lab Y/C 24 bit
realtime video digitizer will also join the product mix of NoahJi's. 
An astounding new product that is currently in production and will be
available here in July is the VLab Motion Card. This card is a Zorro II
motion JPEG board for non-linear video editing and playback. The VLab
Motion product contains a digitizer plus a video output device with YUV
4:2:2 square pixel quality and embedded hardware scaling and a genlock
with chroma keying for real-time blue box effects as well as the
compression/decompression JPEG chipset which runs at 29.5 Mhz peak
frequency. The board has composite and Y/C inputs and outputs, and also
features an expansion socket for add-ons like piggy packed YUV or RGB
component transcoders, and an interface for outputting over NewTek's Video
Toaster. The V-Lab Motion board does not require a time based corrector
and can be combined with existing hard drives and controllers. VLab Motion
also comes with MovieShop, a complete editing software package that
features a hierarchical editor, B/W or color reference stamps, and a time
line editor. Perfect interfacing with the Retina and the Toccata allow
simultaneous recording and playback of audio and video.

For more information contact:

NoahJi's 3591 Nyland Lafayette, CO 80026

Phone: (303)499-1975  Fax: (303)499-1979

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